Company Name: Mindatorium, Inc. Platform Name: Mindatorium Multimedia Streaming Platform
Small Batch Submissions. The submission fee is $95 for up to two hours of content. The company will review the content to determine its suitability for the platform, accepting content that meets the criteria and rejecting any that does not.
Large Batch Title Submissions. Please submit no more than two hours of content. If you have more content to submit, contact the company, and the content provider will discuss costs for larger libraries.
NOTE: This $95 charge is a one-time charge. Once your media has been accepted onto the platform, you can submit additional content and will not be charged.
Global Subtitles Cost Disclosure: Thirteen global language subtitles will be created and provided for viewers on the platform. It is required that the Content Provider provide accurate English subtitles in VTT or SRT format. The cost for Global Subtitling is $4 per minute of content. The Content Provider will be billed and pay for the subtitling after the content is approved by the company and the final costs have been agreed upon by the Content Provider. You will not be charged for Global Subtitling at this time.
Only Annual All Access Pass subscribers have access to submit content. If you are not a Mindatorium All Access Pass member, register here.
This Content will be accessible to the company staff for review through an online viewable link, not a downloadable link. Company staff will not download any content during the submission process. This Content must be viewable online either through a YouTube, Vimeo, or some other online link.
Content Provider will provide this online viewable link to their point of contact at the company per the company's instructions.
The Content must be approved for the platform using the following three criteria to determine if the Content will be included in the company’s library.
If you have more content, please advise the review team once they contact you.
Submission Fee: $95 (covers up to two hours of content)
For any questions or technical support, contact .
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